
In sickness and health – 6 tips for staying healthy in cold and flu season

January 17, 2023

I'm Julia!

I'm here to share my skills and knowledge within food, photography, design, freelance business and beyond.


A few tips and tricks that helped me recently to stay healthy, but also to shorten any of the various bugs and sicknesses going around during cold and flu season. These 6 tips for staying healthy really helped me out.

  1. Lemon and ginger water with honey
  2. A teaspoon of honey before bed
  3. Lots of rest
  4. Immunity juice shots – specifically ginger + turmeric
  5. Celery juice every morning after a glass of lemon water
  6. Green juices – specifically those with cucumber + spinach
Lemon & Ginger Water with Honey

Lemon & Ginger Water with Honey

I use a large mason jar, one lemon, cut in half, and juice usually one if not both halves into the water with a hand juicer. The ginger I will clean up, (a lot of people use the spoon method, but most of the time I just use a knife) slice it, and mix it into the water. The honey comes last, with a spoonful mixed in. I drink this on a regular basis almost every day. Some days it’s just lemon and others just ginger. Ginger is great if you have a bit of an upset stomach.


Honey before bed

This comes from the Medical Medium protocol. Helps with any sore throat, but is supposed to help the first line of defense in your body against sickness.



This is a given. Try to sneak in those naps, and go to bed early.

Immunity Juice Shots

I happened to be sick and away from home recently, so I grabbed some from the grocery store. There are several different brands. You can also create them at home with orange juice, ginger, turmeric, and garlic if you’re daring enough.

Green celery juice

Celery Juice

Another MM protocol. I’ve been doing celery juice every morning since about June 2022. I’ve really noticed a difference in both energy and bloating. Before this last run-in with a bad case of strep, I hadn’t gotten sick since. It can take some getting used to, but it’s quite refreshing and really does the job to keep you hydrated first thing in the morning. Great when you may have come down with something, but this tip really is for every day, not just cold and flu season.

Green Juice

Green Juices

Again, being away from home made this quite an interesting experience. I turned to Pressed in California and got myself a mix of 6 different juices that I had over three or so days. I turned to again, celery juice and their green juices with cucumber and spinach. Making sure you’re getting all your veggies and colorful foods in when sick really do seem to help things improve more quickly. Another MM tip, cucumber juice is supposed to help calm a fever, so never a bad one to have when you’re feeling under the weather. During cold and flu season, keeping some of these tips in your everyday practices can make sure that you’re staying healthy all the time, not just when you think you’re coming down with something.

Hope these help! Stay healthy out there.*

*I am not a licensed healthcare professional so, please take these recommendations as just that, a friend’s recommendations, not a doctor’s prescription. Everyone is unique and you should always talk to your healthcare provider before adding something to your regimen that doesn’t necessarily feel right for you.

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I'm Julia, your new photo savvy friend.

Originally from upstate New York, I grew up in a town that not-so-famously has more cows than people. My parents owned a flower shop so at 18-months-old, I was standing on the counter asking customers, "How can I help you?". You can say without a doubt, that design and customer service are entwined in the very fiber of my being.

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